National Leadership Tour
Students nationwide are having a challenging time socializing in school including the best students who haven't had
disciplinary issues or behavioral problems in the past. Bullying in our schools and community is steadily increasing as well. Our
communities are losing too many children to suicide, emotional trauma, bullying related issues and senseless acts of gun violence. We
deliver hope, leadership guidance and direction, life skills, tangible morals, values and character development principles to help
students excel academically and to become good people in society.
Our Bound For Greatness student leadership program is having unprecedented success in schools and the community. We
address mental health challenges and copious psychological issues affecting children. We also address behavior management,
character development, leadership, respect, goal setting, academic performance, anti-bullying, conflict resolution, tolerance,
diversity, inclusion, literacy, health, fitness and wellness.
Our proactive national Bound For Greatness Celebrity Leadership Tour. Our educational assembly programs and
workshops are year round, you can schedule our program at your convenience. Derrick Lassic, Super Bowl Champion, Dallas
Cowboys RB #25 appears via video conference. Two elite speakers, a National On-Air TV Star/Author and a Super Bowl Champ.
Choose dates that work best for your school, school district and library. Schools can select 1 - 4 topics of discussion from
our program topic list or tell us what your interest is. We have over 20 topics of discussion.
• Leadership
• Anti-Bullying
• Character Development
• Making Good Choices and Decisions
• Mental Health
• Respect
• Goal Setting
• Behavior Management
• Kindness
• Acceptance
• Conflict Resolution
• Tolerance
• Diversity
• Inclusion
• Accountability
• Peer Pressure
• Health, Nutrition and Fitness
• School Climate
• Self-love
• Anti-violence
• Life Skills
• Self-esteem
• Vandalism
• Anti-Gun Violence
• Teen Dating Violence/Relationship Violence
• The Importance of Education
The goal is to keep our children safe, provide support systems, safety guidelines, leadership training and tangible solution to
ward off these systemic issue that plague our children’s lives.
The mission is to navigate children toward productive roles in society, encourage students to excel academically, help students
become elite role models, leaders and honorable citizens in the community. Most importantly, we want to improve children’s
health and quality of life and reduce bullying immensely.
National Tour
• New Jersey • Tennessee
• New York • Illinois
• Georgia • Ohio
​• Pennsylvania • Texas
• West Virginia • Maine
• Delaware • Vermont
• Maryland • Massachusetts
• District of Columbia • Minnesota
• Virginia • New Hampshire
• North Carolina • South Carolina
• Florida • Alabama
Bound For Greatness Presentations
The host of the celebrity leadership tour is Duane West, nationally acclaimed On-Air Motivational TV Personality (NBC TV). D. West was
also honored on national TV as America’s leading celebrity youth motivator, he appeared on the Oprah Show as well. He was honored by the President's
Office Of The United States for his work with children and accomplishments in sports and fitness. Mr. West is the author of The Navigator, a Character
Education and Behavior Modification Teachers' Resource Book. He is a pioneer of tough love on national television, NBC TV.
Please review our topics of discussion carefully and then decide on the topics that are feasible for your school and/or school district. If you are interested
in specific topics of discussion from our presentation list, please let us know in advance. We tailor our assembly programs and seminars/workshops to
fit your school’s needs and specifications, grades K - 12. We have online workshops, pre-recorded presentations, in-person and zoom programs.
The program duration is contingent upon your school’s/school district’s goals, objectives, mission, and operating budget. The duration of our program is
30 minutes, 1 hour, half-day and a full-day. Our programs are year round. Feel free to schedule our program at your convenience.
If you are interested in reviewing our discounted fee schedule, please e-mail Bobby Jackson, New York Jets Hall of Fame at thenewyorkjets@yahoo.com or click the contact us link.

From Special Needs Student To Author
Business Person of the Week - WGN TV

Super Bowl Champion
Celebrity Guest Speaker
Derrick Lassic, Super Bowl Champ, Dallas Cowboys - RB #25
Celebrity Speaker, Leadership Coach and Mentor, Entrepreneur
• Alabama National Football Champion/National Championship Bowl Game MVP
• New York High School State Football Champion
• McDonald's High School Football All American