The Oprah Show

Appearing on the Oprah Show was a dream come true. I called the show almost every week for six years, no luck!. Each time I called show producers said "we are sorry, our on-air guest list is booked Mr. West." I kept calling until I received an invite to the show. A year after the Oprah Show appearance, I was a guest motivational consultant on NBC TV, and the rest is history. I secured a long term position on NBC for 10 years.
The key to success is persistence. You have to keep trying and knocking until you receive a YES. Most Importantly, you have to be ready to take advantage of opportunities when they come your way. When I pursued my dream in television I didn't have a manager, agent, publicist, networking friends in the entertainment business, phone numbers or any referrals. You have to be dogged in your effort to achieve your goals. Every year is your year. No dream is too big.
Youth Leadership Podcast
Elite Business Professional
NBC Television
Duane West was an exclusive on-air motivational TV personality on NBC Television for 10 years. D. West inspired millions globally on national television, he worked with battered women and children in crisis. D. West is a pioneer of tough love on national television. He is a national and international leader in public speaking.
Nike, Inc.
Duane West was an exclusively endorsed health and fitness personality (athlete) and spokesperson for Nike, Inc. D. West represented the #1 sneaker company in the world for 3 years.
Fila USA
Duane West was an exclusively endorsed health and fitness personality (athlete) and spokesperson for Fila USA. D. West represented Fila USA for 4 years.
Foot Locker
Duane West was an exclusively endorsed health and fitness personality/athlete for Foot Locker. D. West represented Foot Locker for 2 years.
Public Speaker And Fitness Guru
Former AFL Pro Football Player
Celebrity On-Air TV Personality
Business leaders join D. West, National TV Star to keep children safe. Our topics anti-bullying, youth suicide, mental health, anti-violence, anti-drugs, leadership, tolerance, goal setting, integrity, respect, character, discipline,
anti-gun violence, peer pressure, life skills, accountability, self-esteem.
Anti-bullying, Respect, Kindness

AFL Pro Football
NFL Player Interview
Muhammad Shamsiddeen, Seattle Seahawks RB 24
D. West, AFL Pro Football #42 DB
NBC Universal Television
D. West Inspires Teens Back Stage
Out of Control Teen Meets D. West
Teen Wants A Baby Until....
Newark NJ, Teens Visit Tough Streets
D. West Inspires Pregnant Teen
Teen Sets House On Fire
Teen Hits Mother - She Goes To Jail
Her Mother Died and She's Acting Out
Teens Visit Trauma Center with D West
Powerful Words of Encouragement
Teen Dresses Inappropriate
Unruly Teen's Mother Has Fatal Disease
D. West Helps Battered Woman
Battered Woman Can't Talk To Her Family
D. West Saves Battered Woman's Life
Battered Woman Can't Talk To Her Mom
Abusive Husband Beats His Wife
Husband Hit Her Over 200 Times

Kids Olympics