Dear Library Manager:
We would like to bring Duane West, the nationally acclaimed motivational, on-air TV personality and author to your library. We are coordinating D. West’s celebrity guest appearances, national "Dream It, See It, Live It" speaking tour and keynote presentations at libraries nationwide. You can view our topics of discussion and D. West’s bio on this page. Have the audacity to dream big!
D. West’s life journey from poverty to success is inspirational and empowering. He progressively navigated from poverty, a homeless, disadvantaged, 12 year old, at-risk, special needs student to first generation college graduate, to motivational speaker, to fitness guru, to author and writer, to the Oprah Show, to pro football player, to national on-air television star, to America's leading celebrity youth motivator. Mr. West has been honored by the President’s Office of The United States for his accomplishments in sports and work with children. He has also been featured in over 7 national magazines as a feature fitness personality.
Our Leadership Topics of Discussion
• Youth leadership, respect, character development, and the importance of education.
• Violence against women and relationship violence - an empowerment talk by D. West
• Change your eating, change your life - a health, fitness and nutrition motivational workshop
• Become an author, start writing your first book today - an inspirational lecture by D. West.
• Celebrity Stop Bullying prevention and intervention workshop for children, grades k - 12.
• Teen dating violence/relationship violence.
• Anti-drug seminar - a drug awareness workshop for children.
• Diversity and acceptance.
• Career development strategies for teens and, or adults.
• Goal setting for successful outcomes - family, school, career, relationship, community.
• Anything is possible if you believe it - have the audacity to dream big and aim high lecture by D. West
• Radio and TV broadcasting 101 - hosting, consulting, and on-air appearances.
• Live your dreams - a motivational how to get the most out of life lecture by D. West.
• Use failure as a springboard to soar higher - an empowerment lecture to help people turn failure into successful outcomes.
• Step outside of your comfort zone - a lecture to move you closer to dream goals you never imagined possible.
• Resilience - from homeless, at-risk student and poverty to college graduate, to author, to national TV star - an inspirational lecture to
inspire audiences to never give up in life.
The duration of our workshops are contingent upon your needs, objectives and programming budget. We have 1 hour, 2 hours, half-day, and full-day workshops. If you are interested in a 30 minute program, please ask us.
D. West is going the distance to help as many women and children as he can. He addressed issues involving children in crisis, diversity, wellness, bullying, and teen/adult dating violence on NBC Television for 10 years. He delivered hope to women globally, helped thousands of women who were stuck in abusive relationships gain the strength and self-worth to say no more and walk away from abusive men. Bullying has become a systemic issue in the community and schools. We are losing too many children to senseless acts of violence and suicide. Together we can improve the conditions, change the climate, inspire youth, save children's lives.
If you need a fee schedule to review, please e-mail us from the contact us link. Have an amazing day.
Management Team