On-Air Motivational TV Personality, 10 Years
D. West Receives National TV Honors
Honored on national TV for his outstanding work
with children, battered women, and families.
D. West Inspires Battered Woman
A battered woman wrote the show to thank D. West for saving her life from an abusive spouse.
D. West Celebrity Guest Speaker
Anti-bullying and Leadership. CBS TV
D. West WGN TV General Motors
Business And Person Of The Week
D. West Motivates Young Teens
Inspires 13 year old girls not to become strippers.
He visits Newark, New Jersey to help them.
D. West On Oprah Show
D. West's appearance on Oprah Show, short clip.
D. West Helps 7 & 8 Year Old Girls
D. West helps 7 and 8 year old girls change bad behavior.
D. West Inspires 7 Year Old Girl
D. West inspires 7 year old to change her life.
D. West Help Girls Change Their Lives
D. West helps young girls change their mind about having babies, becoming teen moms. It
was an amazing show. A beautiful ending.
D. West Helps Battered Women
D. West stops abusive and controlling men from beating their wives and girlfriends. He took the men to jail and inspired the women to stand up. The women felt safe with D. West's support.
D. West Helps Battered Women
D. West helps battered women live without fear.
They gained the willpower to say stop hitting me. Stop treating me bad, stop controlling me.
D. West Inspired Abusive Husband To
change his controlling and abusive ways. He stopedp hitting his wife and started treating her with respect, love and dignity.
D. West Supports Battered Women
D West takes a fearless stance for battered women who are scared to ask their abusive husbands and boyfriends to stop beating and them. This show inspired millions worldwide.
D. West Takes Abusive Teens To Jail
The prison inmates sent a strong message to the girls and it changed their lives for the best. It was beyond scared straight for these teens.
D. West's Signature Walk To Stage
D. West's introduction walk to the stage is the toughest in daytime Talk TV. He's the pioneer of tough love on daytime talk TV
D. West and Teens Visit Chain Gang
D West takes teens to prison to see inmates in a chain gang. Powerful show.
D. West Helps Battered Women
D. West helps battered women find hope, courage, and the willpower to speak up for themselves. After the show, D. West took the abusive men to jail. A must see ending in jail.
D. West Addresses Teen Pregnancy
D. West navigate out of control teens who dressed sexy to change their irrational behavior. At the end of the show the teens no longer wanted to have babies or dress sexy.
Out Of Control Teens Go To Jail
D. West takes out of control teens who were having sex and selling their bodies to jail. All of the girls changed their attitudes immediately.
D. West Inspires Abusive Husband To
stop abusing his wife and change his life.
D. West Tough Love Pep-Talk
D. West gives tough love pep-talk back stage to a violent teen who is living a destructive lifestyle. Her mother believes she will die or go to jail if she continues to do the things she is doing.
D. West On The Field AFL Pro Football
He's doing what he loves, living a dream
D. West Visit To Chain Gang Part 2
D West inspires teens to change wanton behavior. The show was a huge success.
D. West Visit To Chain Gang Part 3
D. West helped teens change their lives after a reality check visits to a trauma center and prison with chain gang inmates.
D. West Visit To Chain Gang Part 4
D West helps teens change their lives, 72 hours with D West was the difference between living dreams and having dreams waste away.
D. West Visit To Chain Gang Part 5
D West helps teen improve her self-esteem. She became accountable for her actions. She had tears of joy rolling down her face.
D. West Visit To Chain Gang Part 6
D West inspires 14 year old teen to stop having sex and babies. The teen had her first child when she was 13 years old.
D. West Tapes NBC Show In Newark
D. West takes out of control teens to his hometown Newark, New Jersey to show them the tough streets he grew up in. The show saved their lives!
Maury Povich Gives D. West Kudos
D. West receives praise from Maury Povich after Dee spoke to several out of control teens.
D. West Helps Teens Who Dress Sex
D. West inspires teens who are dressing sexy and being disobedient at home to change their bad behavior. The show changed their lives.
D. West Takes Teens To The Morgue
D. West takes teens to the tough streets of NYC and to the morgue to help them understand the harsh consequences of the actions.
D. West Embraces Teen Back Stage
D. West gives inspirational pep-talk to unruly teen backstage. She changed her out of control ways after the show.
D. West Takes Unruly Teens To Jail
Out of control teens break down and apologize
to their parents after meeting prison inmates
D. West Supports Battered Women
D West takes abusive men to jail. Their wives
feel safe for the first time in years. One
woman said she was leaving her abusive husband.
D. West Celebrity Guest Speaker Anti-bullying and Leadership. FOX TV
D. West Featured On News 12, NJ
D. West inspires students in Hopatcong, NJ.
D. West TV - Student Leadership Trips
D. West takes student on leadership
interviews at Fortune 500 Companies
D. West TV
D. West gives an inspirational pep-talk to youth at a police boot camp in Atlanta
D. West TV
Youth police boot camp in East Point, Atlanta, GA
D. West inspires children in crisis at bootcamp
D. West Theme Song
A dream, a goal, a mission....
Powerful Words Move Teens To Tears
D. West's passion, love, and inspirational words move teens to tears. They know he cares about them just as much as their parents do. HOPE
D. West Speaks At School In NJ
West New York High School, NJ. Respect Week, Anti-bullying Month.
D. West Help Controlling Man Change
D West inspires controlling husband to treat his wife with love and change his reckless habits.
D. West Inspires Young Father
D. West inspires and encourages young father of three children to be the best father he can be. He also offered sound advice to the young dad.
D. West Addresses Racist Guest
D. West talks to racist teens and adults with
respect and dignity without judgement.