Every school in the country should have Game Time. It is a powerful, inspiration read.
Here are a few words from Game Time, the Introduction: What Time Is It, Game Time?
Just when you think you can’t go any further, when you feel you have nothing left, when you believe the door of opportunity is
closed, when you think it’s too late to make a comeback, when you almost settle for a sub-par finish, you take a deep breath - and
you keep going. You fight! You will the mind to tap into a source of energy you thought you didn’t have and it propels you forward.
You take one more step; you try five more times; you work two more hours; you write four more paragraphs; you read two more
chapters; you run one more mile; you study five more hours. You navigate from average to the best in the field. You volunteer
another year in the soup kitchen.
You hold a door open not for one but for four. You smile in the midst of adversity. You rise up when you fall hard, you sprint through
the finish line and finish stronger and faster than you ever had before. That’s willpower. That’s resilience. It’s what champions are
made of. Tenacious effort will place you in the winners circle. It’s inside of you! Step outside your comfort zone. There is more to
read inside the book, we hope you enjoyed this. This is copyright material.